Marketing for Teens
By Keith Hyman, High School Student Intern at The Mauldin Group
Got a good product or service to sell? With fast-changing demographics and the boom of digital and social media marketing, how will you market your product or service to the next generation of customers? The Mauldin Group, a premier digital marketing agency supporting clients throughout the United States, understands the changing social media trends and supports clients with effective marketing solutions that will help with marketing for teens and also drive your sales from the bottom to the top!
What social media platforms are teens greatly using? And why is it smart to do marketing on those platforms? Today, the most popular platforms among the younger generation include Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, which is the newest and fast-growing. These social media platforms are perfect for marketing for teens because of their large amounts of young users from all over the world. According to Deloitte’s 2021 Digital Media Trends survey, 49% of Gen-Z (people born between 1997-2012) survey respondents claimed to have seen a product on social media and went to the retailer’s website to purchase that product. Furthermore, 39% of Gen-Z survey respondents claimed to make a purchase directly on a social media platform. The social media marketplace is booming, especially with more teens using social media, surfing the internet, and shopping online. Clearly, you can easily accomplish marketing for teens on social media!
Getting Started on the Platforms
Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to make “posts” of pictures or videos along with a caption describing the post. Instagram is similar to Facebook, but it contains a large amount of Millennial and Gen-Z users that Facebook lacks. Firstly, marketing on Instagram is to create an account for your company. Next, you want to follow other accounts, such as other companies in your industry, celebrities, or organizations that promote small businesses. Lastly, once you gain a following, you will want to start posting interesting information about your company, such as history, the employees, and most importantly the products or services that your company offers. Keep in mind that Instagram is a visual platform that performs best with compelling images and videos. Over time, your Instagram account will gain followers as your company grows.
Basically, users on Twitter make quick announcements and statements, known as ‘tweets,’ which are then posted on their followers’ timelines. Twitter is very popular among teens. On Twitter, users can follow celebrities, sports teams, politicians, and companies. The first step to marketing on Twitter is to create an account for your company. Like Instagram, begin building an audience by following other related accounts and making tweets about your company. However, a tweet can convey information about your company, its products, or services, all within the limitation of 280 characters. Other ideas for tweets include fun facts or a new promotion. A special thing about Twitter is that you can buy advertising space and have “promoted tweets” show up on users’ timelines. These tweets can then be “retweeted” or shared by your followers to their followers, ultimately spreading the news about your company across many Twitter pages.
TikTok is a social media platform that allows users to post short videos that are between 15 and 60 seconds. TikTok has recently exploded in popularity across the world and is very popular among Gen-Z. However, to do marketing on TikTok, you first need to create an account for your company. After creating your account, begin posting videos about your products and services or actively participate in the trends. Trends on TikTok include popular dances or sounds that people use in the background of their videos. TikTok is a great way to do marketing targeted at teens and it can build a fun and trustworthy relationship with younger customers.
Start Marketing for Teens Right Away!
With rapidly changing marketing solutions, social media marketing is the way to go to reach the younger generation and post effective marketing for teens!
Thank you, Keith, for sharing your insight on this topic!
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