PR For When Your Company Wants Press and When It Doesn’t
Custom Public Relations Is More Than Style
The need for a customer public relations marketing plan, has risen greatly over the last twenty years thanks to the digital age. While PR used to be thought of as only necessary for celebrities in the entertainment industry or corporate giants, such as Coca-Cola, many companies, large and small are seeing a need for elements of public relations in their daily business operations.
The Mauldin Group Public Relations Arsenal includes:
- Content Creation from both the Journalism
and Marketing Perspectives - Public Relations Strategy
- Influencer Building
- Crisis Communications and Solutions
- Corporate Communications
- Event Promotions
- CEO and Management Communications
- Marketing Communications
- Media Solicitation
- Multimedia Design
- Online Reputation Management
- Social Media Marketing
- Press Release Creation
Benefits of A Custom Public Relations Program
Has you business ever had a product launch that required extra publicity? What about an event or announcement, such as a business opening, which required the perfect Press Release? What about a company crisis that needed immediate addressing in the media? Believe it or not ALL companies have experienced this scenario or something similar one time or another.
The Mauldin Group offers customized public relations services to help YOU build YOUR company or career image through the persuasion business. With a team experienced in both the internal and external tasks involved with public relations management, we can offer small, medium and large companies local support for their relationships building.
Custom Public Relations YOUR Way And Ours
Working with one of the most skilled and experienced public relations’ specialists in Atlanta, The Mauldin Group offers custom public relations services that are creative, effective and motivational. Backed with years of experience, our team is equipped to help build YOUR brand with public relations so that your business is brought out of the shadows and is seen as an Influencer in your industry.
You May Not Know You Need Public Relations Until You Need Public Relations
No one knows how critical it is to have a PR Team on hand until they need one. Let’s face it in our world of mobile communications, one slight mistake can become a company crisis in literally seconds. YOU need a team that is experienced in public relations that can provide quick solutions that combat the lightning speed of bad digital press. Knowing the most effective communication platforms can be vital in publicly addressing and downgrading a company crisis before it can go viral. That is why having a team already knowledgeable about YOUR brand, company and services, can mean the difference between a slight blurb in the local paper and a full social media storm on the Internet.
The Mauldin Group team of experts knows the ins and outs of good PR. Our team is equipped to expediently provide public relations solutions to bring YOUR business in front of YOUR target audience and increase engagement with dynamic results.
Solutions Offered:
What is Public Relations?
Public Relations or PR, is the task of managing a company or individual’s public reputation.
This can be both in times of good (great, newsworthy events, like groundbreaking product launches) and bad (poor social media posts that go viral or management ethics violations).
What Makes a Good PR Campaign?
A good PR Campaign uses all forms of media, content design and communication to build, maintain and manage a company’s reputation. The goals are built on company values, mission and messaging.
What Makes a Good Press Release?
For a press release to be effective and to catch the eye of the media, it needs to be “newsworthy”.
A press release needs to provide the significant details that make up the newsworthy event as well as provide a brief background overview and contact information. Last, the press release needs to be solicited to the right media sources that would be interested in the event.
If you had one word to describe PR, what would it be?
Relations communicates or “tells” a great story of your business, product, service or YOU! It is most effective in times of positive communications but, can be vital in times when there is a crisis offering solutions for addressing negative press.